Personal Development

How to Achieve Harmony in Your Mind

Aug 01, 2021


Do you ever get that frazzled feeling? You know, when you feel like all the wiring in your brain has short-circuited and there has been a small fire, which has been put out by smothering with a wet towel, and all that’s left is a charred and blackened remnant of what once was a fully functioning mental capacity?

Well, maybe I’m exaggerating just a little, but you know what I mean…your brain on stress hormones, little sleep and copious amounts of coffee…

What to do when the coffee just seems to exacerbate the problem? Which in fact, it does…

The first and most obvious thing to do therefore is to cut down on the coffee. Failing that, remove the cream and sugar from your coffee and drink it black. At least this way your coffee will be alkaline in nature.

Coffee with either cream or sugar, or both, added, becomes acidic. An acid environment in the body increases stress and inflammation, contributing to the “frazzle effect,” as I shall affectionately call it from here on in.


The second thing to do to improve matters is to definitely try to quit sugar. Sugar as we all know by now, causes our blood sugar to spike and then crash as the body struggles to re-establish equilibrium.

This in turn will put a strain on your kidneys and leave you with that exhausted “I have zero energy” feeling. Sugar includes carbohydrates in the form of refined white flour, as these are quickly turned to sugar inside the body and get stored as fat if not burned off through physical activity.


Another consideration is how much water you drink. Chronic dehydration can cause the burned up feeling inside your head. Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of pure, unadulterated water each day.


How much sleep do you get? Maybe you sleep but wake up feeling exhausted? Your sleep quality, or lack of it, will contribute to the “frazzle effect” for sure. Improve your sleep and everything else will follow suit. So how can you accomplish better sleep?

Here is a list:

·        Exercise daily, preferably in the fresh air.

·        Listen to a relaxation recording before falling asleep or learn to meditate.

·        Practice yoga in the evening.

·        Make sure all lights from computers and cell phones are out, as these can impact melatonin production and upset our sleep cycles (melatonin is the hormone responsible for our sleeping and waking cycles)

·        Put a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow. Lavender is calming and relaxing and can improve your sleep.

·        DON’T watch scary movies before bed!

·        Be sure to finish your exercise routine at least four hours before you sleep, otherwise you might feel overstimulated.

·        Have a small bedtime snack such as cheese and crackers or some warm milk. The calcium in the milk or cheese increases serotonin production, which helps you to feel calm.

Mineral Deficiency

Other than sleep health, it is important to watch your diet as a deficiency in minerals or vitamins may be contributing to the “frazzle effect.”

Make sure you eat a wide variety of fresh, organic, colorful fruits and vegetables every day, and include lean meat and fish several times a week, along with whole grains and legumes. You can consult a naturopath for some expert advice in this regard.

Tai Chi and Yoga

You might consider taking up some gentle and relaxing exercise such as T’ai Chi or yoga. Both of these are meditative activities, which have the effect of calming the mind.


Think positive thoughts! What you focus on, you become. So focus on feelings of gratitude and appreciation and, when you notice yourself thinking negative thoughts, turn them around into something more uplifting.

You will be surprised at how effective this simple trick can be. You will start to notice more serenity and less frazzle when your thoughts are uplifting and gracious…If you feel bad, it’s usually because your thoughts are bringing you down.

Bottom Line

By now, you should have several tips to add to your tool kit to keep your mind in harmony and health and avoid succumbing to the “frazzle effect”! Stay well and take care of yourself!