MentalHealth Personal Development

Become an Optimist to Experience Less Stress

Sep 08, 2020


It’s a scientifically proven fact that those who see the world in a “glass half full” kind of way live longer and experience less stress. Doctors claim that a big majority of all of their office calls are for chronic stress-related health woes, so it makes sense that if you see the world with a better mindset, you’d have fewer physical and mental problems.

When researchers at Concordia University conducted a study about pessimists and optimists, they discovered a direct link between the person’s outlook on life and their stress hormone levels. An optimist’s levels are steady, while a pessimist’s soars out of control and become unmanageable.


Your views on life put you at risk to experience stress. The suggestion is that being positive (optimist) puts you at less risk of experiencing stress versus having negative (pessimist) views.